Sunday, March 19, 2006

State Your Views: MLM

Welcome all, thanks for following up with the Black Book Online though the site is showing signs of becoming dormant soon... BUT.. it's ALIVE again! It's coming back and now with a new section too. Beginning from this week, this new column is going to appear at the right side (yes, the links located at the side) and it's called "State Your Views". "State Your Views" is a debating corner where all members can write in their comments to state how they feel and what they see in the latest topic being debated. So... let's start the program and this week (yes, the first week), Professor Dr. Alex Q. has written in to us with the following topic...

The Topic:
"Personally, I feel that MLM can be a good form of business start up but it must be with the right mentality but not being too obsessed with the system of recruiting downline to earn commission from their sales. It more on the sales on the product or service the company provides. Maybe u can go on to write why u feel this way"

Happy debating if you got anything to point out... cheers

The Editor

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