Tuesday, October 10, 2006

We are crazy people

One day of excitement, heart beating and faster ticking of the time, we finally cool our heads down and said goodbye to all the 38-ing, gossiping of yesterday. Hey dudes... all u dudes out there, it's hard but I must tell this to all of u out there. I have been unofficially banned from writing anythin here on this blog and any extra characters, any extra word I'm writin now, it poses extra threat to me. Imagine.. each word is another dig nearer to my own grave.. I miss u all and I really hope I will have the chance to see u all again next time.. see u all here with myself sittin n writtin n entertainin n eating snakes. I hope that will happen again.. Pray for me.. I love u all!!

Back to the main topic.. ignore wat the mad siao ting tong said above, a siao man says siao words.. that's what they say and it makes sense. A siao man has siao frenz.. ya of coz. No doubths ya. So a siao man's words is actually negliable and we can actually ignore these words. Dun believe? Coz if u believe in a siao man's word, that will make u a siao man too. Siao man = sian man. Hmmm... the algebra's correct, make sense! I can see u noddin ur head with me too le.

Every seconds ticking away... haha.. are we wasting our life?

1 comment:

Shaowei said...

Hey... ILLJ too..!! Wooooo
Wo ai tai mei.. tai mei ai wo...
I L L J... L J Loves me

Ba LJ fang zai kong zhong shuai..
Take LJ and put it in the sky~~

For those who understand, tick tock tick tock tickle ur P...