Sunday, January 08, 2006

Distressing Soccer

The rain yesterdae was distressing; the soccer even worse. The rain started and stopped, acting upon by heaven's decree and the fundamental rules of Murphy's law. Whenever the rain came, and we sought for shelter, the rain as if playing a dirty beggar's trick on us, stopped almost before we could say "debbie"! And it almost started raining when we started soccer.

The soccer displayed were even a greater joke. Just as when we expected to dish out a pipin hot dish , all we managed was a unconvincin and tasteless cold platter. By some mere conicidental luck, the King Monkey, JS, shaowei and unmasked hero were servin the same club. And all they could do were some not so humorous circus acts. Shaowei were pumpin all those hopeful long balls again and yes they promise not to deliver again. Unmasked hero were actin as a clown, turning and turnin wifout realisin he hadnt got the ball. King Monkey was turnin around too, but onli searching for his banannas while keepin hold of the ball. JS summed up the dae wif a series of conversions that any rugby player would have been proud of..

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